Vulnerable People
At-Risk people can live their best life with the unobtrusive support they need to stay safe and well, giving themselves and their families that peace of mind.
The Memo Hub has been designed to easily fit into your home and support independent living.
Bringing together data from multiple sources such as sensors, wearables, care, housing and environmental systems. It is hardware agnostic and can integrate with third party platforms.

Meet Gataivai
My Mum has early on-set Alzheimer’s and lives alone and hates being a burden to anyone else, ‘she is perfectly fine on her own’ she says.
Getting a notification that Mum is up in the morning, has had some breakfast, or has shut the doors at night helps me stop worrying.
To prolong her independence and provide peace of mind to us and show what care she most needs to her in-home carers, we worked with Vigil Care for a solution. Mum doesn’t really notice it, but it is such a help to the rest of us.
70,000 NZers are affected by dementia. 70% of these people are cared for in their own home.

Meet Henry
The simplicity of this solution is excellent. I had Vigil Care Memo Hub installed into my grandfather’s house last year, as he is getting older and I couldn’t be there every day, and it saved his life.
He had a stroke in the morning, sat in his chair, and because Memo Hub is a predictive system, as he hadn’t moved for a few hours or made a cup of tea that morning, the system contacted me, and I got his neighbour to check on him. He called the ambulance and my grandfather got the care he needed quickly. If it wasn’t for Memo Hub it could have been the following day or more before anyone knew what had happened.
By 2025 20% of New Zealand’s population will be over 65 and 40% of these will have arthritis require some assistance in their daily lives.

Meet Wendy
My mum is getting older and has Type 1 diabetes so needs help to keep on top of monitoring his glucose levels and eating properly.
Living alone, not only were we concerned but also her home help and GP. To maintain her independence, we installed Vigil Care Memo Hub that not only kept an eye on making sure mum is safe and well it also connected to his blood glucose device that helps with the medical care he needs.
250,00 NZers have diabetes and 170,00 are living with heart disease.

Meet Peter
We had Vigil Care Memo Hub installed into dad’s house last year, as he is getting older and recently had his right hip replaced. I couldn’t be there full-time and he did not want to stay with us ‘being a bother and getting in the way’ as he puts it. So, for a good middle ground; him not losing their independence and still feeling safe, and peace of mind for us we installed Memo Hub for 24/7 monitoring as well as having home help to get him up and ready for the day.
It gave my dad the freedom to stay at home and recover but also the security that if anything happened, like a fall or home help not arriving to help him get up and ready in the morning, I would know and help would be on its way.
One third of Kiwis aged over 65 were diagnosed with osteoarthritis – the most common reason for joint replacement surgery.

Meet Ruth
My sister has Muscular Dystrophy but hates admitting she needs help. I live with her but work in the day and always worry she will try to do something, fall and hurt herself, and with no one there, she will be stuck until I get home.
I had Vigil Care Memo Hub installed, as it is sensor -based, (not camera), so my sister felt comfortable, and it has lifted that weight off my mind so I can get on with my day, as I know I will be notified if anything is not normal at home.
NZers are living longer, and can spend up to 10 years living with a disability in later life that can require assistance.